Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pompoenen Expo

OK de website en naam ’Sanders Pompoenen Expo’ deed het allemaal wat grootser lijken, maar het was toch een leuk bezoek.
We hebben echt pompoenen en kalebassen gezien, waar we de namen nu nog steeds niet van uit kunnen spreken [of onthouden].

En de enorme variatie was wel enorm indrukwekkend.

Hoe kleinschalig het ook was, het leverde in ieder geval genoeg foto’s op =)

OK their website and name ‘Sanders Pumpkins Expo’ made it all sound a bit bigger than it really was, but still we had a nice visit.

We’ve seen pumpkins and calabashes, who’s names we still cannot pronounce [nor recall].

And the enormous variety was simply amazing.

Even for a rather small exposition, I was still able to take quite the amount of pictures =)


Love Laugh Live said...

Leuk! Did you buy one to make a jack-o-lantern? Was it a "dry" day today?!

Love Laugh Live said...

OMG! She looks like her mom! Thijmen has gotten big! Jochem is tall and he looks a lot different. Just a few quotes from Z and O :)