Saturday, October 13, 2007

Spoken, heksen en toetjes

Stilletjes aan is de gewoonte erin geslopen om wat later op de avond een toetje te eten. Op die manier eet ik ook gezellig mee, want direct na het avondeten, sla ik meestal over.

Met name Thijmen is erg aan deze gewoonte gehecht. Als ik soms verschrikt op de klok zie dat het eigenlijk al lang tijd voor douche en bed is, komt er steevast uit: maar we hebben nog helemaal geen toetje gegeten. Dus met grote regelmaat worden er heerlijke bakjes vla in bad verorberd. Zo is iedereen tevreden =)

Vanavond moest het toetje worden uitgesteld tot het donker was. Want, was het plan, we gingen ze eten met de spoken en heksen ‘aan’. En ik moet zeggen, zo in het donker met het zachte schijnsel van de kaarsjes is wel erg knus. Goed plan, mannen! Het brengt ons helemaal in de Halloween stemming.

Without really giving it a lot of thought, we’ve gotten into the habit of eating dessert later in the evening. This way I join in as well, because right after dinner I usually pass.

Especially Thijmen is very attached to this habit. When I sometimes look at the clock startled to see it’s way past the time he usually takes his shower and goes to bed, he will always answer: but we haven’t eaten our desserts yet. So quite often he will eat his bowl of custard* while soaking in the tub. To keep everyone happy =)

Tonight we had to delay our desserts until dark. Because they had a plan. We had to eat with the ghosts and witches ‘on’. And I have to say, it was real cozy in the dark with just some soft light from the candles. Good thinking guys! We’re all in the mood for Halloween now.
* note to self: look up custard ('vla') recipe and put it on blog. It's soooooooooo yummy and here you can buy just about any flavor you like. However in the US you have to make your own. A tricky business, but worth the while. To be continued ;-)

1 comment:

Love Laugh Live said...

is it like jello pudding...nope! my favorite is appel/kaneel...a winter choice by melkuni (spelling doesn't look right, but you know what I mean) Anyway, love the ghosts and pumpkins! Carving our jack-o-lantern this week...Z is craving the roasted seeds! Finally fall temps here but it is almost depressing, winter in Texas.