Saturday, September 8, 2007

Nieuwe schoenen

Ze is zo blij. Intens gelukkig met haar nieuwe schoenen.

Het was even zoeken [op dit moment is mama toch nog wat veeleisender dan zijzelf], maar daar stonden ze.

Lekker stoere stappers, maar helemaal goed voor een meid.

Nu wil ze ze niet meer uit. Hier herken ik heel veel van mezelf in =)

Breaking in her new shoes. She's doing everything with them. Running, jumping, sliding, you name it.

The easiest way to take a proud look at your new shoes ;-)

She's so happy. Super content with her new shoes.

It took some time to find them [for now it's still mom who's the more demanding one], but there they were.

Nice sturdy boots, but perfect for a little girl.

She won't take them off anymore. I see a lot of myself in her now =)