Saturday, September 1, 2007

Circus Clinic

De wijkvereniging viert vandaag haar tienjarig bestaan.
Voor de kinderen is dat groot feest, want er wordt een Circus Clinic georganiseerd.
De jongens hebben dit al eens eerder gezien en geven zich meteen op om mee te doen.
Met smart werd op de 1ste van september gewacht. Ze hebben ge-no-ten. Helemaal super vonden ze het allebei.
[M was nog iets te klein, al wilde ze wel dolgraag mee doen, toen ik stiekem wat foto’s maakte tijdens het oefenen voor de grote show ’s avonds].

T all ears to learn how to juggle three balls.

Usually never a quitter when physical challenges are presented. J soon feels the unicycle is out of his league.

But this itty bitty bike definitely isn't. [If only that guy could let me go, I can hear him think.]

Don't try this at home, with your mother's China ;)


T does great with the diabolo act.

Our community association celebrates its 10th anniversary today.
Lots of fun for the kids, as they are organizing a Circus Clinic this afternoon.
The kids have seen this before and register for this event the second I tell them about it.
It was quite the wait until this day. They had a BALL. They both were so excited and loved everything.
[M too, but she was too young. However she did try to talk her way into some stuff, while I was taking some pictures of her brothers practicing for tonight’s act.]

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