Monday, August 13, 2007

Back to school

Toch fijn dat de kinderen vandaag net zo blij zijn om weer naar school te gaan, als ze de laatste schooldag waren dat het vakantie was.

Ze hebben er alle drie weer heel veel zin in.

Minke was even bezorgd dat alleen haar broers weer mochten, maar ook zij is vanmiddag weer naar de peuterspeelzaal gegaan.

[Ze had overigens vanochtend haar tas al ingepakt =)]

Really nice that the kids are just as happy today that they’re starting school again, as they were the last day of school with their upcoming vacation.

All three are eager to go.

Minke was a tad worried only the boys were starting school today, but this afternoon it was her turn as well to go to pre-school.

[She packed her bag this morning though, just in case =)]


Love Laugh Live said...

How exciting! Did you take pictures in front of the school sign too? I am curious to know how everything went, especially with Minke...she is too cute! J has changed so much...I think he is taller than Z..but don't tell Z that. We have 2 weeks to go :(

Caroline said...

@ Suzanne: Actually J can really use a growth spur. There's less than an inch difference between him and T now. I believe he measures 52 3/4 inches and T 52. How about Z? Good luck with your last two weeks...=)

Love Laugh Live said...

142 cm, opa just measured! I did see that they were close in height!

Caroline said...

That's almost 56 inches. So not too worry Zach! Still quite a bit taller.